Donate Artifacts — Columbus Historical Society

Donate to our collection

Add your single artifact or large collection to our collections and take your place in history! If you have artifacts that you believe will enhance the Columbus Historical Society’s collection, please contact us through the form below.

Donation offers are reviewed by the Archive and Collection Committee. Some of the factors we consider for each item are the historical or cultural significance to Columbus, physical condition, whether or not CHS already owns a similar item or copy, and the item’s ownership and use history. 

All donations are considered unrestricted gifts and will be used at the discretion of the Columbus Historical Society.  Restrictions on objects will not be considered. Find out more about our Collection Policy and see our Collection Development Statement.  

will my item be on display?

Possibly, although only a small percentage of our collection is on exhibit at any one time, due to limited gallery space and long-term display can have negative effects on preservation. 

Can the Columbus Historical Society appraise items?

CHS, along with any other museum, archive, or library, is unable to provide estimates as it presents ethical issues and potential conflicts of interest. Please contact one of the following groups for appraiser recommendations.

International Society of Appraisers
Phone: 206-241-0359

American Society of Appraisers
Phone: (703) 478-2228

The Appraisers Association of America
Phone: (212) 889 5404

Interested in Donating to our Collections? Please complete the form below.

financial contributions

Because of the nature of historical materials, their storage, preservation, processing and cataloging incur ongoing costs. We welcome donors of large collections to also consider providing financial support to sustain the viability of their gifts. Financial contributions may be large or small, and may be made on a one-time basis or annually. This funding is used to offset the costs of extra processing time, preservation and any necessary professional conservation. Any financial support accompanying gifts is tax deductible.

This menu from the Water Works restaurant was graciously donated by Mr. Ward Sager.